Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The bunny babies (kits or kittens as they are called), are growing by leaps and bounds - literally!!! One of them actually jumped out of the nest and landed in mama's litterbox today. She went over and fussed over it and it started nursing, then she jumped in the nest with all the others and let them nurse - so I reached in and set the wandering babe back in the nest with her. She nursed them for a bit and then they calmed down and went back to sleep. So far everyone else has stayed where they belong today! :-) I wonder how long the "nest" will last? I may need to remove the box part soon so that they don't get out and then get trapped in a gap or corner - we'll see.

We still haven't named any of the babes, but got to know them a little better today!

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