We were able to get a very good deal on a 30-gallon tank setup from craigslist. Will had been asking for one, and when Liz died, it became a little more urgent. We had read books from the library and found a really neat one that showed creative / unusual ways to decorate your tank. One of the ideas was a winter wonderland - which we decided to try to create first. (Stay tuned in the spring for a playground!) We found items at the dollar store and made a background with the blue snowflakes, tissue paper and glitter. The white snowflakes are suspended on fishing line and dance around in the water so that it looks like it is snowing. We plan on getting some more things to fill up all that space, but this was a fun start! We will add a few starter fish on Tuesday and then if they do well we will add more to the tank. We plan on barbs, gouramis, sharks, etc... nothing too aggressive but still some fun stuff.
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LOVE IT, so far. What a great start. I will keep my eyes open for tubing and other such supplies.